Covid Management at Hills Dental Group

As an accredited practice we have strict infection control standards, in order to be able to continue providing safe and consistent care as guided by SA Health and the ADA, we have adopted the following measures:

All patients and visitors entering the practice will be screened for the clinical and epidemiological risks factors in relation to COVID-19. This may include a series of screening questions and you may be required to undergo a rapid antigen test. We will see patients regardless of vaccination status however we will ask for your vaccination status and it will be recorded as part of your medical history.

On arrival, patients and visitors will need to:
    • Wear a facemask
    • Do a COVID Safe check-in
    • Perform hand hygiene – Alcohol based hand rub when you enter and leave
    • Maintain physical distancing (>1.5m)
    • a pre-procedural mouth rinse will be required

To maintain physical distancing, you may be directed to wait in your car after checking in.

Please ensure you attend alone, or when a support person is needed that only 1 accompanying person attends per patient, please do not bring siblings.

Prior to your appointment, please check the SA health link to ensure that you have not been at any of the covid exposure sites.

If you are a contact of a case, have been at an exposure site, directed to isolate or have any COVID symptoms please call us on 8339 2955 to discuss your appointment. 

Thank you for your understanding as we strive to keep our patients, staff and community safe. Please contact our friendly reception staff on 8339 2955 for any further queries.